[posted on december 14, 2009]
on the way home from the mall, i suddenly had this craving so get my hair cut. so after pestering my mom i got a trim :D (scarf was half off from H&M nommm)
went to sarah's (family friend) house today :3 we spent most of the time trying to piece up our chinese homework (me, victoria, kevin)
buuutt we got some cute shots with sarah by the christmas tree. stupid slow shutter speed and lack of a tripod! but sarah was like waaa why meee - and her cousin was directing her. he's pretty good i must say. (must drag him off to my other shoots) this was actually the first time a shoot wasn't spontaneous, and i have to say i like spontaneous better.
and it was freeeezing outside, but you do what you do for bokeh right?
speaking of shoots, you remember i made a model mayhem account yah? *this is where you nod* well i've arranged some shoots for this coming summer and i'm kind of really excited. i just don't know how to tell me parents, seeing they're iffy about meeting people via internet. someone even asked me to shoot next week for a set of potential dress prototypes. i had to say no, due to my stupid research paper. >:|
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