anyway - woohoo i turned sixteen today. yay: permit (after drivers ed), MM account. nay: older D:, another year closer to real life, and wrinkles.
school pretty much stunk, and not many people knew it was my birthday. XD i don't want to be narcissistic and make a big deal of it all, but remembering it would be nice. *__* but on facebook, since your birthday is public to all of your friends - they usually drop a comment. i had to reply to over a hundred of them. :x
and for dinner, my family and i went to olive garden <3
best mozzarella (triangles?) hands down.
caught unawares D:
oh poor confused waiter gave us two each.
for today's 365 - i went with something simple, with christmas lights. i wanted to use the lights to draw a 16 on my wall and take a bokeh shot. so yes, after i write the 16 and turn it on - it stops working. sigh. so only the corner of the question mark lit up. it's really quite depressing, but i was like hey - story of my life.
because i don't like making a fuss, and i like ice cream XD
last portrait as a 15 year old.
it was going to by epic too ):
*note: i totally forgot to update this photos until i remembered while going through my stream on....july 14th*
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