March 28, 2010

night owls (con victoria)

[taken on march 20, 2010]

went to victoria's house today. ;) it was steaming hot inside her insulated (haha) house so we went outside to take some photos. damn it was a beautiful spring night!

i'm really starting to get into raw more (which is a bad thing at times because it takes up a bunch of space) and experimenting.

naturally, the ISO was high due to the fact it was night, so they are pretty noisy. i have to say i like the filmy feel it has :D enough talking, on to the photos.

spring sky
midnight shadows
world in your hands
IMG_2233 copy
IMG_2272 copy

out takes!

RANDOM TEENAGE BOYS. lol, there was a highschool party next to us ahaha.

victoria's dad makes the tastiest ribs, ever.

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